Before the start
of development there is a whole
range of studies. Drilling operations
help to determine boundaries
and stocks of potash salts.
To clarify the structure
of the field, geophysical exploration is conducted
to identify possible tectonic heterogeneity
and abnormal bed structures that
affect the safety of mine
development. Physical and geological
models of the field are then
constructed to assess
the future impact of mining
on the environment. Based on the
results of the studies
the plan of the field
development is
MINING When exploration of the area is completed, the construction of shafts begins. When the shaft is sunk and the necessary equipment is installed, it is time for construction of the mine’s underground infrastructure. Then, along the rock salt bed, preparatory shafts are drifted in the mine.

In the beginning, alongside the perimeter of the future shaft, freezing holes are drilled, creating an ice wall in the surrounding massif. This prevents the groundwater from getting into the future shaft during shaft sinking. Drifting is done by drilling and blasting. When the shaft is sunk and the necessary equipment is installed, it is time for construction of the mine’s underground infrastructure: Then, along the rock salt bed, preparatory shafts are
drifted in the mine. The continuous miner goes up from the rock salt bed to the bed which is being developed and begins to cut the ore. The ore comes from the continuous miner by shuttle cars to the belt and then is transported along the conveyor system to the shaft and is raised to the surface by skip hoisting machines.
To reduce the possible impact on the environment and improve the safety of mining, mine voids are often backfilled after the ore extraction has been done.